Yes, you have full freedom to choose the hosting company. Our Product runs on PHP Mysql driven servers regardless the OS environments. You are free to host this application anywhere you like. Before hosting you have to make sure the availability of following environments:
As long as your server supports above tools, Please be rest assured that, our application will run on your platform. Off course you are most welcome to host with us :)
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Yes, as long as you have the Branding Removal; which costs $99 in addition to the script. Note that one Branding Removal is applicable to only one license. You are entitled to change the logo and the site design & layout without ordering the Branding Removal. You are free to read tutorials to see how to change the logo and the site design/layout. You can also customize the script's functionality. You can purchase this option on checkout, or at a later time from your client area.
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YES :)
We do offer professional installation for free for the 1st time.
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Yes, The core business logic is Encoded.
EicraRealestate web application is developed under PHP MY-SQL platform using ZEND framework. The PHP source coded in Encoded which is not human readable to edit/ modify. The core business logic is not changeable but you will full freedom to customize the design theme.
If you a web developer or hire a web developer, you should be able to develop additional module or update the design templates as you need.
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To create the file simply add the following lines of code to a blank document and name the file phpinfo.php Save the file as phpinfo.php and place it in the desired directory. Lastly, call the script from a browser. The phpinfo file outputs a large amount of information about the current state of PHP. This includes information about PHP compilation options and extensions, the PHP version, server information and environment (if compiled as a module), the PHP environment, OS version information, paths, master and local values of configuration options and HTTP headers.
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We issue license for left long. You do not have to renew it at all. Our support is available for six months and you can also enjoy free upgrade for after purchase.
There is a free of USD $99 to renew tech support and upgrade to next version after six month. Installing ionCube loader
ionCube Loader must be installed to run Eicra's product. On many web servers the Loader can be enabled automatically with no changes to the php.ini file and no server restart required. If your server does not support ionCube please relex !, you are just a sort of email away to your hosting provider to configure ionCube for you.
If your server does not have ionCube support already enabled, you can obtain Loaders for your server platform from here. Instructions for installing Loaders can be found here. You can also you can run the ioncube helper file distributed with Eicra.com. Run your browser to http://www.yourdomain.com/test_directory/ioncube/ioncube-loader-helper.php If you install IonCube loader in the php.ini file you can check if loader installed in phpinfo. Please see this article for how to create the phpinfo file. If the loader installed correctly you should see it in the Additional Modules section in phpinfo. Definitely! Our vision is to create the most effective and easy user interface script that allows you to easily install the product on your server with a few clicks and without the hassle of knowing any programming language or code!
We have the minimal requirements and should work on any modern server. Server software requirementsPHPPHP 5.2.8 or later is required. MySQL serverMySQL version 5.0 or later (we recommend the very latest stable release) PHP decodersPortions eicra code are encoded and require a PHP decoder in order to run. There are two available, both free. Zend Optimizer (Supported PHP version: 5.2.x or earlier) OR ionCube Loader (Supported PHP version: 5.3.x or earlier) Web serverAny web server daemon - such as Apache, nginx, IIS which is fully compatible with the required PHP configuration. PHP settings
Apache server settingsIf you have mod_security installed on your apache web server, mod_security must be disabled or your Eicra Product's files whitelisted (exempt from all mod_security rules). MySQL settings
Required PHP modulesMost of these modules are included by default. However, we have compiled a list of those which are definitely required by for good measure:
PHP cache and acceleratorsThe product accesses many scripts spread across many files for each connection. We strongly recommend that your web server has a PHP opcode cache like xcache, apcor eaccelerator installed. We find that xcache is the easiest to install and most readily available. All of our application records are stored in a database. When you wish to read an article, it sends a request to the database to get this record for you. This request is usually sent as a query string, and in its native form it looks something like:
This works well to get the record back, but most search engines, Google excepted, will not index pages with question marks (?) or ampersands (&) in the name. To get around this, we use a search engine friendly URL. This converts the query to something more like:
which contains only characters that search engines recognize, and therefore will the record will be found by the search engine. Not only that, when sending a link to someone else, it makes a lot more sense, and is a lot less error prone, to send a link http://yoursitename.com/kb/entry/90 than to sendhttp://yoursitename/kb/index.php?view=entry&entryID=90. How do I set up a search engine friendly URL?
The Zend Framework version 1.11.5 or later is attached with our product. A Web template system describes the software and methodologies used to produce web pages and for deployment on websites and delivery over the Internet.[citation needed] Such systems process web templates, using a template engine. It is a web publishing tool present in content management systems, software frameworks, HTML editors, and many other contexts. A web template is a tool used to separate content from presentation in web design, and for mass-production of web documents. It is a basic component of a web template system. The website templates though can be made and used according to one individual purpose, there are two commonly know page contents in the templates. Various agencies and organizations use web template systems for mass-production of content when slower production alternatives prove unfeasible.[citation needed]
One of the many ways of an easy solution for making a website is the use of Website Templates. These templates offer the use of the various different designs and graphics which are already coded in the HTML format to be used by the creator. The source files of these templates are always in the PSD format which belongs to the Adobe Photoshop software. The website templates though can be made and used according to one individual purpose, there are two commonly know page contents in the templates. The first page in every website template is the index page which is actually the main page of the website or called the homepage most commonly. It is this page that will appear after the address is entered. The other page which the website template contains is the sub page or the content pages which the branch off from the main page, containing the specific information about the particular topic. The templates contain the already designed web page, and the user just has to change the name in the text region of "your Company Name" text, followed by the main context of the page, in this way by making a few replacements you can have your own designed website without the use of any professional help or complications. The entire web application is developed under PHP MY-SQL platform using ZEND framework. The source coded in Encoded which is not human readable to edit/ modify. The core business logic is not changeable but you will full freedom to customize the design theme. If you a web developer or hire a web developer you should be able to develop new module as you need.
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This happens when the ionCube encoded files have not been uploaded in binary mode or have been tampered with.
If files were uploaded in ASCII format, it will cause errors for sure.The files are encoded on the fly when you click on the download button and your user information is written to the comments of the php file so is a file checksum, if the file is edited or tampered with in any way it becomes corrupt, same with uploading it in ASCII mode, it changes checksums because of the difference in uploading. The resolution would be to try uploading the file again in binary mode, if that does not work I would suggest re-downloading the entire system from our members area and re-uploading it in binary mode.
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Click Write new article at Admin => Content => Create new article and add content as Name, Title, Slug (will be filled automatic in order Main title), Description and Content.
After successfully creation of a new article, you probably be inclined to join this article with an existing menu for easy navigation. So why do you go to Admin => Content => Link page with Menu like on an existing article to create link on a menu. Now, click on "Link to menu" to indicate which article or extension will be joined or linked with "menu" in page body / content area. See the image as follows : According to the image shown above let us explain field by field for your better understanding Menu Name : - Type a name of Menu how you want to see it on Menu Bar. Menu Title :- According to the image shown above, the text you write at "Menu Title" creates a link therefore you may use it to create SEO friendly link. It is impotent to note that, as it creates links "Menu Title" MUST BE unique. In case you add duplicate "Menu Title" throughout the website the application will automatically append an ID to make it unique. Menu Target :- The target attribute specifies where to open the linked document: See the table below : Menu Location: :- Select under which Menu location the new menu will be set in. Generally menu location indicates the Menu Bar widget location e.g. Top top horizontal menu or Left / right vertical menu bar etc. See the picture below how menu location is shown Upon selection a menu location, a menu explore tree will appear on left asking to to indication it's parent. Click on a menu or sub-menu from the left tree to consider as a parent of upcoming menu (which you are going to create) or select root to make upcoming menu as another main menu. For better idea, please see the image below : Content layout area :- Click to specify a layout of an extension will bet set in your content body area of page (which is going to be linked with the upcoming menu). It is an impotent indication to establish bridge between a menu with an articles or extension of a web page. The main purpose is to specify which module, extension , plugin or articles to be plunged into page's body area. See the image below : Required Setting => Select Content / Extension to add :- Find the "Required Setting" tab on the right and indicate which content (articles, modules, block of an extension or extension ) you want to added with the upcoming menu. Upon selection click on "Submit Menu" to join a menu with a content. By Default, the application are loaded with flags of all majors countries. Therefore just Open aplication/layouts/scripts/carcms/blocks/change_lang.phtml page please add the following code
Language codes follow the convention of a two letter lowercase language name, followed by an underscore, followed by two upper-case latters signifying the country code which follows i18n localization standard. According the codes above, Here in the Please open application/modules/Settings/forms/source/en_US.GlobalSettingsForm.ini file and find below line : The Country based flag images are located at images/adminImages/flagsImage/ directory in .gif extension. Choose your flag and pick the correct image file to display it accordingly. Please see the screen shots shown below.
Headers and footers are areas in the top and bottom margins of each page in a document. The HTML5 HEADER and FOOTER elements are new elements added to help web designers better define the semantic structure of their web pages. According to the HTML5 specification, the HEADER element represents a group of introductory or navigational aids. And the FOOTER element represents a footer for the nearest ancestor sectioning content or sectioning root. It typically contains information about the section, including the author, related documents, copyright data, and so on. The HEADER and FOOTER elements are not sectioning elements. They do not change the outline of the document and they don’t create new sections. But any headings inside of them create implied sections. Layout File is located at application/layouts/scripts/<YourTemplateDir>/layout.phtmlManaging Header Block(s)Studies show that the website header is one of the first things a visitor sees on your website. That is mainly due to the way we are used to browser information on the computer presented from top to bottom, and due to the way HTML is built with the header being the first thing it’s loading on the page. Thus the importance of the header.
A visually appealing header design can assist in this department. To further add to its importance, a header often contains the website’s navigation and logo. Having solid, user-friendly navigation facilitates the browsing of your content and keeps users on your site for longer. The HEADER typically contains:
But none of this information is required. You can define a HEADER with whatever content you feel is necessary and semantically part of the header of that section or the page .
Managing Footer Block(s)A website footer is like a book’s foot note. When you need more information, usually you find it there. In the case of a website, a footer usually features copyright information, a second navigation and in some cases contact details. But the footer has a more important role than that. If a visitor has made it to the bottom of the page, that tends to mean they are hooked. They have gone through your offerings, and are now looking for more. So it is important to keep that in mind as you build yours.
TThe FOOTER typically contains:
And, like the HEADER, none of this information is required. You can define a FOOTER with whatever content you feel is necessary and semantically part of the footer of that section or the page.
. .
. . Styles and the HEADER and FOOTER ElementsThe HEADER and FOOTER elements make no changes to the style of the web page. A HEADER will not automatically display at the top of the page and a FOOTER will not automatically display at the bottom of the page. These elements are semantic to represent certain areas of the page or section.
This means that you need to provide styles for your HEADER and FOOTER elements if you want them to have a different look to them.
Click Here to visit our Video Tutorials for more details. This tutorial illustrates how can we turn a listing as “Featured Listing” to draw higher attention of visitor or sometimes we may need to un-publish a listing to stop visibility temporarily. We can do both easily through the Administration Panel in back-end. All you need is to log on to Admin => Module => $YourModule (f.e property, hotel, autos, tours etc) => Manage Listing page where you will find the list of available listings you added so far. Here is how you can set a listing as feature or un-publish as you need. The following images indicates how exactly we set the changes for property as featured or un-publishes :
Not clear? Please click here to view our video tutorial
IntroductionThe purpose of this article is to explain how we can control the access level of a user according to admin role policy. Here in this user role manager, we will help you to manage the access privilege for users groups. (STEP-1 & STEP-2)In this administrators control panel we can see (Admin => SETUP => User Role Manager) in the menu bar. Click the SETUP menu and then you can see there is a sub menu as a User Role Manager. Let’s take a look what we meant by access privilege: Access Privilege Access privilege is a privilege where you can get a scope to control your options for your users. In this access privilege there are two options as follows: FormWe will like to inform you that this form is important for users. If any user want to be a registered user than he or she have to go through the form first and then they will have a proper register ID & PASSWORD to access under certain groups. No one can proceed further if the users don’t have register ID & PASSWORD. And this privilege depends on admin group whether they will keep the form or not. User GroupAs you can see in (scene2) there are some user groups like Super Admin, Administrator and Manager Etc. The entire user group have module in common, but the module functions are different in user groups. This functions accessibility system depends on admin only because they can decide what type of privilege they want to give to their different users. The wheel sign is known as hardcore privilege. Under hardcore privilege, where you have to be registered through below forms. Say for example, if you are registered under the manager group than you will get the privilege to have the opportunity as other mangers getting the opportunity in the same role. If you click and save any options under the hardcore privilege than that option will be applicable for other managers those who are under this member form. Please follow (scene 3). The pencil sign is known as policy privilege. Under role management policy privilege there are some groups where the members have to be registered through the registration forms. In the policy privilege system if you allow or disallow the option under this group and save it henceforward this option will be applicable only for those members who are under this register form. Please follow (scene 4).. As a whole, we learned about access privilege and what benefit and proportion you can get under this software system. How can you change up and save your user settings for registered members under modules and groups. Hope this article will be helpful and enjoyable for you. Thank you. |