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Adding Custom Web Forms and new fields.

We assumed, you have already learned and created a dynamic web form using our Application. Now we will explain how you to join an existing web form(s) to a listing.   Please Click Here  to know how to create a new custom web form or see Video Tutorials here. 

Now we will show, how to add or attached your custom web form with your listing. You have to attach the newly create web form with respective group of desired modules. Here is how you can find and edit setting of a group: 

  • Property :  Click on Admin => Real-estate => Property Management => Property group  and edit setting.
  • Hotel :  Click on Admin => Hotel => Hotel Management => Hotel group  and edit setting.
  • Vacation Rentals: Click on Admin => Vacation Rentals => Vacation Rentals Management => Vacation Rentals  group  and edit setting.
  • Tours Mgmt :  Click on Admin => Tours Management => Tours => Tours  Package group  and edit setting
  • Autos Mgmt :  Click on Admin => Cars Mgmt => Tours Management => Autos group  and edit setting.
  • And so on……… to find the group and edit the setting. 

Please select the custom web form, which you have just created (help to create new form) to attached with this group and save it.  Please see the image below for more clear visibilities :

Now, go ahead and try to add some listing. You will find the new form appears to take inputs and the given inputs / values are shown at frontend. This is how you can create unlimited fields through a custom web form.

The following image illustrates how the new custom forms have been appended in back-end to take your desired inputs. This is important to know that, the name or title of the extra Tab(s) is displayed according to the field “Group name” value which is written on custom web form.

The following image illustrates how the new custom forms are appended displaying your custom input values at font-end. This is important to know that, the name or title of the extra Tab(s) is displayed according to the field “Group name” value which is written on custom web form.

In short, you have to create a custom web form and attach the form with respective group to add form with the listing.