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Customization of individual Modules theme.

Article ID: 55
Last updated: 09 Jul, 2011
Revision: 6
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You are free to customize the modules and it’s template according to the requirement. Here it explained the modules hierarchical organizational structure for better understanding:

        |___Name Of Module
             |___config [Corresponding Module’s config]
             |___forms  [Corresponding Module’s forms]
             |___images [Corresponding Module’s Images]
             |___layouts [Editable Module's Layout]
                 |___scripts     [Editable Module's Templates]
                    |___backend  [Admin view able templates]
                    |___frontend [public view able templates]
                    |___so on........


To change module’s design layout. 

According to the modules hierarchical organizational structure shown above, go to <$DocumentRoot>/application/modules/<$ModuleName>/layouts/scripts/ and open the relevant .phtml file you want to modify. By default index.phtml represents the 1st default page to call .  The sub-directory "/partial" contents the related designed block use to render the dynamic data model of respective modules.  

To change module’s module’s content / body area. 

According to the modules hierarchical organizational structure shown above, in order to change content area of a module open  <$DocumentRoot>/application/modules/<$ModuleName>/views/scripts/ and edit the relevant sub-directory's .phtml file you want to modify. By default index/index.phtml represents the 1st default page to call .  The sub-directories contents the related template designed use to render the dynamic data model of respective modules.  


A view of modules . 

How to Edit Module's Template Files  

Finally to edit module template and layout, please login as administration area :

  1. To add / edit / delete template (*.phtml) file go to Admin => Setup => Template Editor
  2. To add / edit / delete JavaScript (*.js)go to Admin => Setup => JavaScript Editor
  3. To add / edit / delete CSS ((*.css)) go to Admin => Setup => CSS Editor

See the image below :

As shown above, you can navigate to the required files to modify according to the modules hierarchical organizational structure explained on of the page. 

This article was:  
Also read
document Default location of Templates , JS , CSS and Images.
document Designing various templates blocks
document Introduction of Modules Architecture.

Also listed in
folder Site Building Guide
folder Templates Customization
folder Maintenance and Optimization
folder Developer Documentation

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