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How to modify Phone No or Ads of Header part ?

Article ID: 130
Last updated: 29 Jan, 2014
Revision: 6
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This article is to explain how can you add or modify site header and business phone number which comes with default templates. There are two ways you can modify the phone number and other ads from header part of your site.  These are : 

01) By Editing raw  header.phtml file through text editor
02) Through administration using ads management add-ons module.

In STEP-1 & STEP-2 you can see there is an indicated box under Top Bar that is known as header part.

Please follow STEP-1 & STEP-2

Editing header.phtml

We will now logon to the layout directory in order to locate header.phtml which resides at   application/layouts/scripts/$your_default/header.phtml   ($your_default  representing your layout directory how you name it). Let’s follow the below steps: 

  1. Logon to   application/layouts/scripts/tour_default/header.phtml
  2. Open with Dreamweaver or any text editor.
  3. Fine the line as  “<?php $this->ad(198); ?>”  (without comma)
  4. Now remove or hide this (<?php $this->ad(198); ?>) code and add your “Book online or call us today +12 3456 789” here.
  5. Please you own image with correct phone number

The following image help you to locate file and line to edit. 

Please follow STEP-3 & STEP-4

Editing through ads management 

An ads management module is a premium addon that helps you managing advertisement more professional and convenience way.   It is up to client whether or not  you can buy the ads management modules. If you have signed up for ads management module, you can manage ads through banner, image , text and JavaScript. 

Logon on to  Admin =>Top Menu => Select- MODULES =>Than Click => Ads / Commercials Management ---> Now go to ID, 198 (Tours Header AD) and click Edit pencil icon andstartEdit /Delete or publish/unpublished theads content Page.

Please follow STEP-5, STEP-6 & STEP-7

This article was:  
Also read
document How to manage or customize Header part?
document How to change your business logo?
document How to manage or customize Footer part?

Also listed in
folder Site Building Guide
folder Templates Customization

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