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Script installation guide and help tips.

Article ID: 25
Last updated: 06 Jul, 2011
Revision: 7
Views: 0

The easiest way to install this application is to use the installation wizard after download the product from your Client Area.

The install script is extremely simple. The only action required on your part is to click the next button when each step is completed and you will be prompted for each action that is required from your side to proceed with installation. However, there are some things you need to do before you start to ensure the process runs smoothly.

Before you start

Check that:

  • Hosting Server qualifies our System Requirement  
  • PHP is installed on your server
  • MySQL is installed on your server
  • ionCube loader is installed or enabled
  • Login to your Client Area and Click on "My Service" link on the top menu and find the zip file link below to download and install

If any of these are not, install these first.

Create your database

If you do not already have a database that you want to use, you next need to create your database.

At the MySQL console, run the following commands:

CREATE DATABASE db_name [DEFAULT] CHARACTER SET [=] charset_name | [DEFAULT] COLLATE [=] collation_name;
GRANT ALL ON db_name TO username@host IDENTIFIED BY 'password';


mysql> GRANT ALL ON kbp TO [email protected] IDENTIFIED BY xda44f54fddGHRECT;

This will be the database and user information that you later type in when the wizard asks for it.

Install our Web Application using the wizard

  1. Unpack the distribution package
  2. Place it somewhere in your web-server's document root, preferably the parent directory of your root web directory. Usually the root directory will be public_html or httpdocs.
  3. You can rename "rs" folder as you wish (it will be a part of your URL for knowledge base)
    For example if you rename it to "property" and place it in document root directory (document root/property)
    the URL for knowledge base will be
  4. Extract the zip and upload the entire files into Binary format through FTP software (Generally WS-FTP , Cute-FTP or other ftp has the option to set files to upload in binary format ). If you are having problem uploading file via FTP binary file format, please upload entire zip file to the server and use cpanel / Control panel zip extractor (generally available under the File Manager section) to extract it.
  5. After uploading, installer will start automatically. Please collect product Licensed key from your Client Area and use it in appropriete feilds. If there is any issues with Licensed key, please re-issue it and try again.
  6. Type http://<your_domain>/<eicraRS_installation_path>/setup/index.php into your browser address line, where <your_domain> is your domain name, and <kb_installation_path> is either 'kb', if you retained the default, or whatever folder you renamed it to. For example, if you used the domain name in step 3, this would be
    The installation wizard comes up.
  7. Click Here to follow the  step by step installation wizard instructions.

This article was:  
Also read
document System Requirements
document System Requirements
document Step By Step installation Guideline.
document Installation - What are server requirements to run this application ?
document What's version of Zend Framework included ?
document Where do I download your product after purchase.
document Viewing Your Licenses
document License Troubleshooting

Also listed in
folder Modules Wise Documentation -> Installation - Upgrades

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Setup and Configuration     Step By Step installation Guideline.