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Language architecture and it hierarchical overview

Article ID: 63
Last updated: 04 Aug, 2012
Revision: 5
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The language is determined from the user's preferences (his operating system language resp. the browser language) and he might be allowed to switch between the supported languages. Throughout this application, the language file types are mainly divided into three parts. 

01.  Global Language file. 
02.  Language file to interpret each corresponding module(s).
03.  Language file to interpret web form(s).

Global Language file:

The global language file is responsible for translating frontend and backend both. It translates all core modules which installs by default. Language codes follow the convention of a two letter lowercase language name, followed by an underscore, followed by two upper-case latters signifying the country code which follows i18n localization standard.  So for example the default english for the United States would be: en_US

File Location: /<$ServerPath>/application/languages/ lang.xx_YY.ini (e.g lang.fr_FR.ini or lang.de_DE.ini convention)
NB : $ServerPath represents your home Dir when the application is installed.

Language file to translate individual modules:

Each module will have an independent language file to translate its respective module’s data only.  This language file is read by it’s corresponding module in order to interpret belonging modules.  Language codes follow the convention of a two letter lowercase language name, followed by an underscore, followed by two upper-case latters signifying the country code which follows i18n localization standard.  So for example the default english for the United States would be: en_US

File Location :  application/languages/xx_YY/<$ModuleName>/lang.xx_YY.ini   (xx_YY represents lang.fr_FR.ini or lang.de_DE.ini etc convention) 

Language files to translate web forms:

Each web form will have an independent language file to translate its respective form’s data under a module.  This language file is read by it’s corresponding web forms (e.g registration, booking, survey forms etc) in order to interpret belonging forms only.   
File Location : /<$ServerPath>/application/modules/<$ModuleName>/forms/source/xx_YY.<$FormName>.ini It looking the language files reside under respective modules => forms => Source directory. 

NB : $ServerPath represents your home Dir when the application is installed $ModuleName is name of belonging module . $FormName.ini is suffix pattern which must match with respective form’s Name.

Important : 

Unlike other language files, the form base language file name must suffix by respective form’s name followed by .ini extenison. Language codes follow the convention of a two letter lowercase language name, followed by an underscore, followed by two upper-case latters signifying the country code followed by form name. So for example the default english for the United States would be: en_US.BookinForm.ini when this language will only be applied for BookinForm.

This article was:  
Also read
document Localize in a new language.
document How to add Flag of my country to render into our Language
document Locale language and Internationalization

Also listed in
folder Setup and Configuration
folder Templates Customization
folder Modules Wise Documentation -> Multi-Language

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